The Blanket Method for Sodium Bentonite
This method is by far the most effective and popular method for bentonite pond sealant application.
First, any debris such as dead vegetation, including roots, logs, moss, trees, rocks, and other undesirable material must be removed in this method.
In the second step, all surface gaps, holes, or crevices must be filled with a mixture of 1 part of bentonite and five parts of soil (depending on the ground and using the reference table below on our Helpful Tools & Recommendations section.
This method is to completely cover all holes and gaps that are found at the surface.
A layer of bentonite pond leak sealer will be applied in the next step, spreading it to create a nice evenly blanket along the entire surface.
Once the bentonite has been applied on top of the surface, it is required to till it in or disk it in, just about 3 ~ 4 inches into the ground and compact. (Remember: Prevent bentonite from going into deep, because the more profound the product is in the soil, the more the bentonite is diluted.)
After you have compacted the bentonite, and if possible, you can spray water, wet the treated ground, and compact again.
The pond is now ready to be filled with water. Care should be taken in maintaining smooth and steady water flow in the pond so that soil or bentonite layers are not disturbed.